
In North Carolina, you must be separated (defined as living in separate households) for a period of at least one year before you can actually file for divorce. What many people do not know is that before you receive your Judgment of Divorce, you should resolve or preserve your claims for property division (legally defined as equitable distribution) and spousal support (legally defined as alimony).
Southpark Family Law’s attorneys are here to help you understand the nuances of divorce and finances in North Carolina. If there are issues regarding wealth that you accumulated during the marriage, or debts you incurred during the marriage, you must either resolve them prior to your divorce or preserve your right to address these claims prior to getting divorced from your spouse.
If you believe you need monthly financial support from your estranged spouse or are concerned that you may owe financial support to them, our attorneys are here to walk you through those potential scenarios.
The family law attorneys at Southpark Family Law understand how to protect your rights. We know these issues are scary and that not knowing your rights could impact your financial stability. Our attorneys will guide you through this process. While no one can guarantee it will be an easy path, we will work diligently to protect your rights while keeping you informed along the way. We will guide you through the complexities of financial support and property distribution to help alleviate your fears about your financial future.
During your consultation with one of our attorneys, you will learn whether you would be entitled to receive financial support or may be obligated to pay support. You will also learn from the attorney what your rights are with respect to property (and debt obligations) you accumulated during the time you were married and living together.
Through the process leading up to obtaining the final divorce judgment, our attorneys will work with you on your options and assist you as you navigate the process. You have many options available to you to resolve these matters, and your attorney will speak with you about all of the options so that you can make informed decisions about how you want to move forward.
Southpark Family Law works with you to ensure your financial peace of mind. We invite you to contact Southpark Family Law to schedule a consultation and to learn more about divorce and financial issues in North Carolina.
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